Thursday, September 20, 2007

Week 2 Learning

This week we spent more time working with the Blogger software. As I was already pretty happy with my blog layout I spent some time exploring more advanced features I could implement. The two that I ended up placing on my blog, more because they demonstrate interesting technology not commonly seen on Blogger blogs than something particularly useful to this blog, were an interactive Google map and a quote of the day.

In my case I implemented a quote of the day script which simply uses an existing quote of the daya database to display a daily quote, btu in my research I also came across various QOTD scripts which allow you to implement your own quote database. The Google maps implementation was based on information I found which allowed people to include Google maps through a third party site but which I modified to allow me to access the maps directly from the Google Maps site.

Finally, I spent some more time working with Inspiration. Although I've used it in the past I'm not a regular user because I tend to create relationships between concepts in my head in much the same way and don't have any problem doing so automatically so I've seen no added benefit to writing the maps down or creating them in software, though I understand that this is not the case for everyone and such software can help some people visualize the connections between topics. One of the new features I learned about in Inspiration was the ability to embed audio clips into topics which sounds interesting so I'll be looking into that more this week.

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